Our participation at the BUILDING HOLLAND trade fair in Amsterdam and the SCHOOLBAU HAMBURG trade fair during March and April 2016 inspired our headline: "HAHN Louvres – freshen up your mind!"
More than 11,000 trade visitors (9,000 visitors toBuildingHolland, 2,185 visitors in Hamburg) were looking for information about modern, energy-saving and efficient solutions for building Projects.
HAHN louvre windows combine maximum natural ventilation with lower costs and higher energy efficiency.
In times of global warming and limited energy ressources it is more important than ever to think about what we can do and what we want to do:
HAHN maintains short delivery routes
We source our products from local suppliers whenever possible to avoid causing unneccessary pollution.
HAHN practices fairness in Business. Because we source as many components as possible in Germany, we avoid any exploitation that could occur in low wage countries.
Our product is manufactured in Stockstadt (near Frankfurt am Main) – in the heart of Europe.
HAHN prmotes energy efficiency
Compared to air-conditioning systems HAHN louvre windows are a substantial energy-saving alternative (e.g. cooling buildings at night). Together with a ventilation control system you will be able to optimize the climate in your building.
HAHN chooses its partners carefully
Even beyond the manufacturing of our product we maintain our philosophy: 95% of our deliveries are carried out by a freight partner, whose group has developed its own concept of sustainability. This includes a CO2 calculator for each single route and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of about 7% compared to the previous year.
We take these resposibilities seriously and are pleased to find, in you, a client who shares our philosophy of saving energy.